With each one around, we can see number of points of difference.
It could be about body …….. skin colour, looks etc..
It could be about habits …… eating, dressing, greeting etc.
It could be about beliefs ….. religion, ritual etc.
It could be about position ….. economic, social, education etc.
It could be personal ….. intelligence, skills, mannerism etc.
It could be occupation ….. business owner, manager, worker etc.
It could be cultural ….. traditions, practices etc.
It could be aesthetics ….. music, art, poetry etc.
And what not ?
How do we deal with the diversity?
When we do not respect diversity, we tend to claim that ‘ours’ is superior than ‘theirs’. That stand fosters division among us and promotes bitterness.
Each country, each culture, each family and even each individual is unique We can choose our view
My country is better than yours or I am proud of my country and I respect your country
My culture is better than yours or I am proud of my culture and I respect your culture
My family is better than yours or I am proud of my family and I respect your family
I am better than you or I am proud of myself and I respect you.
Let thousand flowers bloom Let us celebrate unity in diversity
Observe the life around you, Identify and discuss with your family and friends your perspective. After enriching your view with these discussions, present the same in whatever form of talent that you are good at and send your entry for the competition.
Entries from schools were invited in the form of any form of talent on the topic.
Last date was 10th January 2018.
Entries came in from all directions and in all forms. There were paintings, poetry, essay and skits. Entries were received from Philippines too.
The skits reflected superb creativity, insights and reflection by the participants.
It was an extremely difficult task for the judges. Entries not selected missed by only few points. We would congratulate all of them for participation and the brilliant performance.